2024-07-27 2024-07-27 , online online, 1,280 € zzgl. MwSt. Donal O'Connell https://www.forum-institut.de/seminar/24091133-how-to-manage-ip-risks/referenten/24/24_09/24091133-course-ip-risk-management_oconnell-donal.jpg How to manage IP risks

This online course is about techniques and tools for IP risk mitigation. Attendees will learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process.

The contents of your online course
  • What are the typical IP related risks and get to know them
  • The psychology of IP risk management
  • How to implement a new IP risk management process or how to improve an existing one
  • IP risk mitigation solutions: learn the fundamental techniques of IP risk control
  • What is the IP risk register and how to select one
  • Let's talk about... risk, baby: how to communicate IP risks to the C-suite

Who should attend
You work in an IP, patent or R&D department or as a patent attorney in private practice and deal with IP risks?

Then this online course is intended for you. Knowledge of IP is required.
The objectives of your online course
In a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity), handling intellectual property means also managing IP risks. These risks can relate to patents, trade secrets, soft IP and open source software.

Attend this online course and learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process. You will also be taught IP risk mitigation techniques.

Our experienced speaker will show you tools as the IP risk register or the IP risk heatmap. Case studies will help you tackle future IP risk management challenges.
Your benefit

  • You know how to set up a proper IP risk management process or improve an existing one.
  • You know how to mitigate IP risks.
  • You can use tools as the IP risk register or the IP risk heatmap.

Course - IP Risk Management

IP Risk Management

  • Learn from the expert
  • Tools and case studies
  • New knowledge guaranteed

Webcode 24091133

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Starts at 09:00 CET I Ends at 17:00 CET

Starts at 09:00 CET I Ends at 17:00 CET



Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


This online course is about techniques and tools for IP risk mitigation. Attendees will learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process.

The contents of your online course

  • What are the typical IP related risks and get to know them
  • The psychology of IP risk management
  • How to implement a new IP risk management process or how to improve an existing one
  • IP risk mitigation solutions: learn the fundamental techniques of IP risk control
  • What is the IP risk register and how to select one
  • Let's talk about... risk, baby: how to communicate IP risks to the C-suite

Who should attend
You work in an IP, patent or R&D department or as a patent attorney in private practice and deal with IP risks?

Then this online course is intended for you. Knowledge of IP is required.

The objectives of your online course

In a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity), handling intellectual property means also managing IP risks. These risks can relate to patents, trade secrets, soft IP and open source software.

Attend this online course and learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process. You will also be taught IP risk mitigation techniques.

Our experienced speaker will show you tools as the IP risk register or the IP risk heatmap. Case studies will help you tackle future IP risk management challenges.

Your benefit

  • You know how to set up a proper IP risk management process or improve an existing one.
  • You know how to mitigate IP risks.
  • You can use tools as the IP risk register or the IP risk heatmap.

Detailed programme

Starts at 09:00 CET I Ends at 17:00 CET

Typical IP related risks
  • IP value and risk
  • Risks related to: patents, trade secrets, soft IP, open source software

The psychology of IP risk management
  • The psychology associated with risk
  • What has this got to do with IP?
  • How do companies react to IP related risks: denial mode, reactive mode and proactive mode
  • IP risk appetite, tolerance and threshold
  • What is the right IP risk tolerance level for a company?

The IP risk management process
  • Components needed for IP risk management
  • What is the IP risk management process
  • Key steps in the IP risk management process: Identification Analysis Review Mitigation Monitoring
  • IP risk management standard Principles and guidelines on implementation Risk assessment techniques, Risk management - vocabulary
  • Top down vs bottom up IP risk assessment

IP risk mitigation solutions
  • IP risk mitigation
  • Fundamental techniques of IP risk control: IP risk avoidance IP risk reduction IP risk transfer IP risk sharing IP risk acceptance
  • IP risk mitigation solutions

IP risk register
  • Risk registers in general
  • The IP risk register
  • Supporting the IP risk management process
  • Where is this IP Risk Register located?
  • Factors to consider when selecting an IP risk register

IP risk visualization
  • Data visualisation
  • IP risk visualisation / IP risk heatmap

More informations

Your agenda

The agenda has been adapted specifically to the medium and the respective seminar.

It is as follows:
Starts at 09:00 CET I Ends at 17:00 CET
- 10:15 CET - break of 15 minutes
- 12:00 CET - break of 60 minutes
- 15:15 CET - break of 15 minutes


  • 'Very relevant for IP risk management.' Jan-Willem Louwaard, IP Senior Manager, Tenaris (The Netherlands)
  • 'Recommended to get an overview of IP risk management.' Volker Gaber, IPR Manager, Dematic (Germany)

This distinguishes our events

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